In the Fantastic Four there is a superhero called Jonny Storm (The Human Torch) who has the ability cover his body with fire and because of the energy and power that this results in Jonny then has the ability to fly, the ability to throw fireballs in any direction and he can also harness enough power to go supernova and basically blow up whatever he likes. The really interesting thing about this power is that he can turn it on and off he doesn't have to be on fire the whole time. If Jonny did walk around on fire the whole time then he would set fire to things and burn loads of people which would make him an awful superhero.
In my first mentoring session with Sola Osunoiki, Sola challenged me on a similar problem to that of Human Torch, when to turn the fire on and off, Sola challenged me to turn the fire off sometimes (Spiritual fire not real fire). My response to this is was " are you joking you should always be on fire for God" Sola then continued for the next three hours to show me why this was a good idea, I still didn't get it! Afterwards i drove home and thought about this the whole way home i couldn't understand why you wouldn't want to constantly be on fire for God! Over the next few weeks i prayed and read my Bible trying to hear God's thoughts on the matter and a couple of weeks later I found 1 Corinthians 9:22 which reads
"To the weak I become weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some"
This struck me! but i still wasn't convinced. God then proceeded to up the game. I went on a training course the week after and I received two prophecies from two different friends of mine (they had no idea what had happened to me in the weeks before) here they are, almost exactly as they said it.
I see you on fire (lol), from head to toe and you are going round making everyone else on fire however sometimes you keep trying to set the same person on fire and actually you begin to put them out. This picture means that you are on fire for God and you are gifted at inspiring others to do the same, however if you keep applying pressure you begin to put the fire out.
I saw you as a lion and you are a really powerful and strong however some people were afraid to approach you. God is saying that sometimes you need to be as approachable as a lamb but as powerful as a lion.
After this I learnt my lesson and it is the best lesson i have ever learnt. Like the Human Torch I need to learn when it is most effective for me say Flame On!